How to transport a bicycle by train and train

  1. Train transportation
  2. Transportation of bicycles by train

Fans of cycling trips often have to deal with the problem of transporting their favorite vehicle to the place of the planned start. One of the most common ways to transport a bicycle to the start of the route is to use trains or trains. However, implementing the plan in practice is not as simple as it seems at first glance. You will be able to transport your "iron horse" in public railway transport only if you follow certain, officially established rules.

Train transportation

Fans of cycling trips often have to deal with the problem of transporting their favorite vehicle to the place of the planned start

So, what is the first thing that a cyclist who needs to travel by rail should know? You are not required to buy a separate ticket to transport your bike on the train. However, it is worth remembering that the conductor may well not let you into the car if the bike is not packed in a cover. To carry out this simple procedure, you will have to partially disassemble the transport. Remove the front wheel from the bicycle and lower the seat down. For your convenience, unscrew the left pedal and turn the steering wheel so that it is not an obstacle to packaging. Next, pack the disassembled bike in a special case. The removed wheel can subsequently be laid on top or tied to the frame by placing it on the right pedal.

The transport process is much simpler for owners of folding bikes. Ease of transportation is the main advantage of folding models. And if you are looking for a new bike, you should familiarize yourself with the options offered in our store during the promotion period. Folding bikes with a 20% discount .

Folding bikes with a 20% discount

For placement, disassembled or folded bicycle, the upper shelves in the reserved seat are ideal. In the reserved seat compartment on the third shelves several sheathed bicycles will fit freely. At the same time, they will not interfere with passengers traveling with you in the same carriage. Try to politely explain to the companions sharing the compartment with you that "these pieces of iron" will by no means fall on their heads during the trip. It is important that your journey does not begin with scandals that are inevitable in case of misunderstanding between people.

Fans of trips in a compartment will have to face certain difficulties when transporting a bicycle. The fact is that compartment cars are equipped with luggage racks of not too large sizes. Therefore, to compactly place the bike on a shelf, it will have to be disassembled almost completely. That is, unscrew both wheels, pedals, fenders, trunk, headlights, lower the saddle, and then place the bike in the boot. The removed parts are placed on the free space of the shelf. For group trips, compartment cars will not be the best option. You will be able to transport much more bicycles in the reserved seat, especially since you do not have to bother with disassembling and assembling them, which will save a lot of time.

Transportation of bicycles by train

According to the rules of railway transportation, the transport of a bicycle in commuter trains is possible if there is a ticket only in the vestibule, and only in the singular. That is, if you and your comrades are going to ride outside the city, you will have to disperse across different cars. And you will be very lucky if you do not come across the same lovers of cycling trips, eager to get to the place with the same train.

The bicycle can still be carried in the car, the main thing is that it does not interfere with other passengers. Ideally, if the car has special places to accommodate bicycle transport. If there are no such places, you will have to use improvised means, such as an expander or a cable. With their help, a vertically placed bicycle must be fixed by attaching it to the luggage rack. If the design of the shelf allows, the bicycle can be suspended from it by the saddle, while the handlebar will abut against the window. As practice shows, this is the most ergonomic and convenient way to transport a bicycle in an electric train.

If this method cannot be applied for any reason, then the most primitive option remains - the location of the bike in the aisle. It is important to ensure that it does not cause inconvenience to other passengers. If you prefer a ride in the vestibule, try to choose the extreme cars with a minimum flow of people. It will be enough here to ensure that your vehicle does not block the passage of passengers. And then you will be able to avoid unnecessary headache during the trip.

Observing the simple rules of transporting a bicycle by rail, you can easily reach your destination and enjoy the planned bicycle trip.